Ear Acupuncture
Administrator2022-10-01T14:06:24+01:00benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity at lower price than traditional acupuncture
benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity at lower price than traditional acupuncture
common issues include breast cancer, fertility, menopause, hair loss, pregnancy, PMT, contraception and ovarian cancer. A variety of therapies can treat these health issues.
can be successfully treated with a variety of Complementary Health therapies
are syndromes that cause persistent sleep disturbance. Sleep disorders can cause emotional distress and inability to function at home or at work. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia, sleepwalking, restless leg syndrome and breathing obstruction
can be related to a sprain, strain, dislocation or other problem. Injury and overuse are common causes of shoulder pain, but it can also result from a degenerative process or from disease.
is the name given to the set of physical, psychological and emotional symptoms that appear in the days leading up to a woman's monthly period. It was formally known as Premenstrual tension. Usually, the symptoms improve when the woman's period starts and disappear a few days afterwards.
is the name given to severe pain coming from a nerve. There are two types of neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia and postherpetic neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is severe facial nerve pain. Postherpetic neuralgia is constant severe nerve pain that can sometimes occur as a result of shingles.
is a tenderness or discomfort in the neck area and can result from any disorder to the larynx, trachea, esophagus or be related to the cervical vertebrae.
is the uneasy feeling in the stomach giving a need to vomit. Nausea can be the first symptom of a variety conditions and is not necessarily indicative of a stomach problem.
typically occurs after increased activity when muscle fibres are stretched beyond their usual limits and cause restricted movement. Muscle stiffness can be from under-oxygenation and build up of lactic acid in the muscle tissue leading to cramps. Muscle stiffness can also be an indicator of other problems, such as flu, viral infection or an immune system deficiency.