
Even if you’ve been told you have no traditional risks for any particular disease, nearly half of those affected don’t have the usual signs. Or, you may suffer from problems like fatigue, and no one can diagnose the cause. In all these scenarios, your body could be providing important clues that give you better insights into your health. Traditional tests don’t examine many of these factors and new research indicates there are some previously unknown indicators that signal the development of disease.
We offer a comprehensive blood test that investigates areas such as:
Blood fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides Blood glucose markers / diabetes risk Sodium and Potassium levels Kidney Function Liver Function Thyroid Function Anemia Risk Immune Health Inflammation Nutrient Status.

Testing and Treatment Packages

Standard – £250

Comprehensive blood chemistry, HTMA.​ (hair analysis), interpretative report​, 1 hour consultation, 2 weeks of email consultation with 2 in person consultations,in order to implement and monitor and amend the treatment protocol.

Comprehensive – £330 – £380

Standard + Metabolic typing program​ ​ including test, consultation and video companion series 4 weeks of follow up consultations.

Advanced – £360+

Comprehensive + Advanced testing

Pay per consultation/interpretation £70 per hour

Comprehensive blood chemistry £40 (+ blood draw)

HTMA – £40 MT test and program – £80

All other test costs available on request.

Monthly ongoing consultations (for whole month) £120 or £30 per week. Long Term support 3 month support package including 3 one hour consultations – £450 6 month support package including 6 one hour consultations – £800
All programs are reviewed monthly, and retesting is done once every 2 or 3 months. Average minimum program length is 3 months.