Patient/ client procedure

A SMS will be sent prior to appointments as a reminder of the time and date and to not attend if you any person has had any COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days. They will be asked to notify us if they feel they need to cancel, for this or another reason.

Please do not attend the clinic if you have symptoms of COVID-19

Please do not arrive early for your appointment.

On arrival at The Therapy Room clinic –


  1. come in to reception, and your therapist will collect you for your appointment. Please note there is a limit of 5 people at any one time in the reception, so please be guided by the receptionist before entering the reception area.
  2. Stay outside or in your car, phone reception to register your arrival and your therapist will come and collect you for your appointment.

When entering and exiting the clinic or using the toilet please use the hand cleaning facilities provided.

Wear a face covering if you feel more comfortable in the reception and toilet area – your therapist will guide you on the need or not within their treatment room.

You will be asked by the receptionist to –

Confirm you have not had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days.

Your therapist will collect you from reception/ car and show you to the treatment room.

After your treatment –

Please pay/ re-book at reception in the normal way, and exit through the main door. We will have a limit of 5 people in the reception (including              the additional waiting area)  at any one time, and you may be asked to briefly wait outside or in your car at busy times.

Please wash your hands in reception  before leaving.


Clinic IPC procedure

IPC materials:

handwash dispensers –

in reception opposite the front door

all treatment rooms

upstairs office and kitchen

Pedal bins (emptied into main kitchen or outside pink bin when full)

in each treatment room


upstairs office

reception (near soap dispenser)

PPE (if worn)

stocks in understairs cupboard and upstairs office

don – upstairs office

doff – kitchen


Spray bottles in each room as above for therapists to clean down all touched surfaces between clients.

Regular deep cleaning will be performed throughout the clinic, and cleaning schedules will be displayed.


Couches with no covers (just couch roll)

Windows will be vented in order to allow good air flow.

Dealing with those who are suspected to be symptomatic of COVID-19

Isolation room –

The studio will be designated as a room where anyone who presents at the clinic with COVID-19 symptoms can sit and wait until an ambulance arrives, or until we have reported to NHS test and trace Records of all visitors – staff, therapists, clients/patients will be recorded on PPS (client management system).

There will be a chair, desk, mobile phone signal, bucket, mask, opening windows, and bottled water available.


Therapists – general

On entering and exiting  the clinic – wash your hands using washing dispenser inside reception.

Wear a face covering if you feel more comfortable.

If you need to use the toilet, please wash hands after use.

On beginning and between clients

Clean hands/ surfaces/ couches/ handles between clients.

Don/ Doff PPE in bins (if worn)

please allow extra time between each client (you may need to add an additional 5 mins)

Collect clients/ patients from reception.


Therapist specific

Individual therapists can follow the guidance from their governing bodies within their treatment room, which is necessary due to the fact that each body has differing guidance.



Sneeze Screen and boxed in desk

Procedure –

Ask clients/patient to wash their hands

Spray down surfaces, handles and any frequently touched surfaces between periods of business, and wash your own hands.

Send out SMS COVID-19 screen with each new booking, and confirming their COVID-19 status on arrival of all patients/clients and therapists.

Phoning clients/patients to come in from their car (if required)

Communicating with clients in order to maintain 1m distance and limit of 5 people in reception area at one time.