Ear Acupuncture
Administrator2022-10-01T14:06:24+01:00benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity at lower price than traditional acupuncture
benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity at lower price than traditional acupuncture
Kirste is a qualified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. She uses deep relaxation techniques, Mindfulness and NLP and Hypnosis to help lower anxiety.
COVID Antibody and T cell testing available in Cambridge can reveal an individuals immunity status.
is a chiropractor graduating from AECC in 1990, and is a member of the British Chiropractic association (BCA)
comprehensive blood testing to determine your unique nutritional needs - match the supplements you need with your unique requirements.
a comprehensive blood test that investigates cholesterol,triglycerides, diabetes risk, sodium & potassium levels, kidney function, thyroid, liver, anaemia, metabolic typing and customised nutrition
is a particularly good approach for chronic conditions and ill health that is ill-defined by general practice, as we step back and take time to really investigate how the whole body interacts and impacts on symptoms
is particularly beneficial for the treatment of stress related problems that have become physical such as irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, muscular and joint pain and any other condition that is not responding to conventional treatment.
promotes self awareness to give you a better understanding of why you think and behave the way you do and, more importantly, how you can change it.
focuses on the health and well-being of the musculo-skeletal system. Techniques range from the extremely gentle pressure of cranial osteopathy to high velocity thrusts to mobilize certain joints.