Acupressure Massage
Acupressure massage is a gentle restorative massage therapy, in which the
meridians and acupoints of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which are used in
acupuncture, are included as part of a clothed whole-body massage. An
acupressure massage also involves techniques such as
palming/kneading/rocking/vibration, amongst others. Gentle arm and leg-
stretches and rotations, and some head, foot and hand massage can also be
included. Cotton cloths are used on areas of bare skin, such as the face, hands
and neck.
Acupressure massage is a wonderfully nourishing and restorative form of
massage – strongly linked to Japanese Shiatsu, but with less complex methods
of diagnosis. It is based on the ‘Five Element theory’ of the human constitution
and its meridian pathways; the understanding of which was brought to Japan
from China in the 6 th century CE. This understanding grew in herbal medicine
and acupuncture in Japan.
A tradition of palpation techniques also developed in Japan over many
centuries which was linked to the ‘palpation by feeling’ (‘setsu-shin’) of
acupuncture and herbal diagnosis. From this ‘Ampuku’ developed specifically
in Japan, which was focussed on the abdominal area (known as ‘the Hara’ in
Japan), and massage techniques also grew around this knowledge of the
connection of touch to the assessment and augmentation of physical and
emotional health: ‘Anma’ . The massage techniques of ‘Anma’ were also
contributed to by the Chinese folk massage known as ‘Tuina’ and techniques
from other parts of the East including ‘Do-in’ (tapping).
To summarise: modern day ‘Acupressure Massage’ is a gathering together of
the specifically Japanese ‘Anma’ and ‘Ampuku’ traditions in combination with
the understanding of modern-day Western Physiology and use of TCM
Acupressure Massage is beneficial for a wide range of conditions, such as:
stress, digestive, sleep, menstrual and muscular problems and also just for
general well-being and a boost to the constitution. It is also good for the
circulation and lymph flow.