Acupuncture Therapy Cambridge
Acupuncture originated in China approximately 2000 years ago and is now extensively used in Chinese hospitals alongside Western medicine. According to Chinese philosophy, health depends on a vital energy (known as Qi) flowing in a harmonious way throughout the body via energy channels called meridians. If this flow becomes unbalanced, pain, illness or disturbances of the mind may occur. Treatment thus involves the gentle insertion of needles into specific locations on the body surface (acupuncture points), which regulates the flow of Qi, stimulates the natural healing response and restores body, mind and spirit to a state of harmony. Using this approach, the root cause of the problem is treated, not just the symptoms.
Acupuncture is renowned for relieving pain, but it can also help with many symptoms and conditions, as well as injuries such as foot problems, general feelings of unwellness, emotional upsets, mood imbalances and times of stress and change. Women can benefit from help with menstrual problems, infertility, support during I.V.F treatment and care throughout pregnancy. Acupuncture can also be used to help with addictions (including quitting smoking) and weight loss.
Acupuncture is generally very safe with few contraindications. In fact, many people find the treatment relaxing and may even doze during the short time that the needles are in place.
It is important to note that the effect of acupuncture is gradual and cumulative. Weekly (occasionally twice-weekly) treatments are common initially and reduce as you improve. Once better, you may like to have occasional treatments to maintain wellbeing. Indeed, traditionally, acupuncture was used to prevent illness and if the person became unwell, the acupuncturist did not get paid!
Therapists who provide acupuncture at The Therapy Room
- Christine Kimis an experienced and skilful acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist with considerable experience in treating a wide range of disorders.... read more