Phobias Treatment Cambridge
A phobia is a constant, extreme or irrational fear of an animal, object, place or situation that would not normally worry the majority of people.
A phobia is an overwhelming need to avoid any contact with the specific cause of the anxiety or fear. Coming into contact, or even the thought of coming into contact, with the cause of the phobia makes you anxious or panic.
If it is unlikely that you will come into contact with the object of your phobia, for example, snakes, it will not tend to affect your everyday life too much. However, phobias such as agoraphobia and social phobia can make it very hard to lead a normal life.
Phobias are divided into two types: simple phobias and complex phobias.
Simple Phobias
This type is about a single object, situation or activity. Common examples are a fear of insects, heights, snakes, enclosed spaces, dentists or flying. If you have a simple phobia you might react with mild anxiety or even with panic when confronted with the prospect of facing the source of your fear.
Complex Phobias
Agoraphobia is an example of a complex phobia. It involves several anxieties, including fear of entering shops, crowds and public places, or of travelling in trains, buses or planes. It also includes anxiety of being unable to immediately escape to a place of safety – usually home.
Social phobia is another complex phobia. Social phobia is a fear of social or performance situations, such as a wedding or public speaking. Those with a social phobia have a fear of embarrassing themselves or of being humiliated in public.
If you have a social phobia, the thought of being in public or appearing at social events will make you extremely anxious and frightened. This is because these types of situations make you feel vulnerable.
Avoiding meeting people in social situations, including parties or eating in restaurants, are typical signs of social phobia. In extreme cases, some people are too afraid to leave their home.
Paruresis, also known as ‘bashful bladder’ or ‘shy bladder’ syndrome, is another type of social phobia. This anxiety disorder means that you are unable to use public toilets or urinate when others are nearby. It can make it hard to do normal activities, such as going to work, social events or taking holidays. Paruresis can start at any age and seems to affect men more than women.
Therapies for Help with Phobias
- Clinical Psychologytreats emotional or mental health problems, including depression, anxiety and panic disorders, eating disorders, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)... read more
- Counsellingprovides a non-judgemental, supportive environment for you to explore the more challenging aspects of life.... read more
- EFT Emotional Freedom Techniqueis a type of energy psychology therapy where you can release emotional tension through tapping acupuncture points on your face and upper body. The thought behind all forms of energy psychology therapy is that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.... read more
- Functional Health Careassesses your current health and wellbeing and the practitioner can advise you on the various options available. Your assessment will be thorough and in depth and look at your health, diet, lifestyle, posture, fitness, happiness and coping abilities.... read more
- Hypnotherapyuses hypnosis as a tool for helping people to achieve greater levels of confidence, better health and increased emotional stability. It is especially recommended for anyone interested in increasing their self-awareness.... read more
- Kinesiologyis quick, gentle and non-invasive form of therapy and will help you discover how your body is feeling about the life you are living. By bringing your attention to how your body is responding it makes it easier to know what is right for you.... read more
- Psychotherapypromotes self awareness to give you a better understanding of why you think and behave the way you do and, more importantly, how you can change it.... read more