
Premenstrual Syndrome Treatment Cambridge

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the name given to the set of physical, psychological and emotional symptoms that appear in the days leading up to a woman’s monthly period. It was formally known as Premenstrual tension. Usually, the symptoms improve when the woman’s period starts and disappear a few days afterwards.

Nearly all women of child-bearing age have some premenstrual symptoms and those between their late 20s and early 40s are most likely to experience PMS with the symptoms improving after the menopause. A small number of these women will have symptoms severe enough that they disrupt their daily lives.

The exact cause of Premenstrual syndrome is not fully understood. However, it is thought to be linked to the changing levels of hormones in the body during a woman’s menstrual cycle. There is no cure for Premenstrual syndrome but there are treatments available and changes that can be made to help women manage their symptoms.

Therapies for Help with Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

  • AcupunctureAcupuncture
    benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity
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  • Ear AcupunctureEar Acupuncture
    benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity at lower price than traditional acupuncture
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  • Endobiogenic MedicineEndobiogenic Medicine
    Herbal & Endobiogenic Medicine is a system of medicine that considers the endocrine system to be the true manager of the body.
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  • Functional Health CareFunctional Health Care
    assesses your current health and wellbeing and the practitioner can advise you on the various options available. Your assessment will be thorough and in depth and look at your health, diet, lifestyle, posture, fitness, happiness and coping abilities.
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  • KinesiologyKinesiology
    is quick, gentle and non-invasive form of therapy and will help you discover how your body is feeling about the life you are living. By bringing your attention to how your body is responding it makes it easier to know what is right for you.
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  • ReflexologyReflexology
    is particularly beneficial for the treatment of stress related problems that have become physical such as irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, muscular and joint pain and any other condition that is not responding to conventional treatment.
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