Autism Treatment Cambridge

Autism Spectrum Conditions are characterised by a number of core difficulties in:

  • Social communication
  • Social interaction
  • Social imagination
  • Sensory perception
  • Rigid and inflexible cognitive style

The lack of social perception can lead to inappropriate behaviour, anxiety, rejection, isolation/withdrawal and depression. In particular, it can prove very difficult for those with autism to enter into and maintain positive social relationships. In addition, ritualistic and repetitive behaviours are common.

The Autism Spectrum can be sub-divided into Classic Autism, High-Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome.

People with classic autism display all the core symptoms, together with a severe learning disability.

People with high-functioning autism display all the core symptoms, together with a mild, or moderate learning disability.

People with Asperger Syndrome display all the core symptoms, without a learning disability and their IQ is often above average.

Some people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions have a great ability in a limited area.  For example, the autistic population includes gifted artists, musicians, mathematicians, computer technicians etc.  Many are able to work, although some may need support.

Useful therapeutic support includes play therapy, psychotherapy, aromatherapy, reflexology, homeopathy, communication therapy and social skills development. Some individuals benefit from intensive therapies on a 1:1 basis.

People with Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism may additionally benefit from treatment targetting anxiety, depression and can include cognitive restructuring, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.

Recognising the complex nature of Autistic conditions the Therapy Room Cambidge have now introduced an Integrated Autism Therapy Clinic.

Therapies for Help with Autism

  • CKT Chirokinetic TherapyCKT Chirokinetic Therapy
    assists with correcting imbalances and redirecting energy to depleted areas. It has been shown to be particularly good at dealing with allergies
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  • Clinical PsychologyClinical Psychology
    treats emotional or mental health problems, including depression, anxiety and panic disorders, eating disorders, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
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  • Corrective Holistic Exercise KinesiologyCorrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology
    The CHEK system is multidisciplinary; therefore, it prioritises your personal programme according to your financial and time commitments to address the areas that will give you the greatest long-term reward.
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  • CounsellingCounselling
    provides a non-judgemental, supportive environment for you to explore the more challenging aspects of life.
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  • Functional Health CareFunctional Health Care
    assesses your current health and wellbeing and the practitioner can advise you on the various options available. Your assessment will be thorough and in depth and look at your health, diet, lifestyle, posture, fitness, happiness and coping abilities.
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  • HypnotherapyHypnotherapy
    uses hypnosis as a tool for helping people to achieve greater levels of confidence, better health and increased emotional stability. It is especially recommended for anyone interested in increasing their self-awareness.
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  • Integrated Autism TherapyIntegrated Autism Therapy
    We can provide advice on diagnosis, assessment, finding the most appropriate therapeutic intervention, diet and nutrition, and bio-chemical involvement. We can support emotional development and behaviour management; we can provide life coaching; and we can offer therapeutic help with anxiety, depression, anger etc.
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  • Life CoachingLife Coaching
    is about taking action and learning from it. It is about working in collaboration with your coach to eliminate the blocks to allow you to create forward momentum, helping you identify and meet your own goals and aspirations.
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  • McTimoney ChiropracticMcTimoney Chiropractic
    If you suffer with pain in the back, shoulders, neck or general pain, discomfort or stiffness in the joints then you should consider McTimoney Chiropractic treatment. It is suitable for almost everyone including babies, children, pregnant women (except in the first trimester), the elderly, and adults of all ages.
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  • OsteopathyOsteopathy
    focuses on the health and well-being of the musculo-skeletal system. Techniques range from the extremely gentle pressure of cranial osteopathy to high velocity thrusts to mobilize certain joints.
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