
Sciatica Treatment Cambridge

Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It runs from the back of your pelvis, through your buttocks, and all the way down both legs, ending at your feet.

Anything that compresses or irritates the sciatic nerve can cause a pain that radiates out from your lower back and travels down your leg to your calf. Sciatic pain can range from being mild to being very painful.

A slipped disc can cause sciatica

Sciatica can have a number of causes, such as a herniated disc (often referred to as a slipped disc). This occurs when one of the discs that support the vertebra (the individual bones that make up your spine) gets temporarily pushed out of position and presses on your sciatic nerve.

In many cases of sciatica, there is no obvious cause. However, in some people it is thought that a combination of muscle, joint and bone strain may lead to sciatica..

Types of sciatica

There are two types of sciatica:

  • Acute sciatica – sciatica that does not last longer than six weeks, and
  • Chronic sciatica – sciatica that lasts longer than six weeks.

Most cases of acute sciatica will pass without the need for treatment. Using a combination of over-the-counter (OTC) remedies and pain relief, exercise and hot or cold packs can often help to relieve the symptoms of sciatica.

In the case of chronic sciatica , you may require some structured physical exercise under the supervision of a physiotherapist. In very rare cases, surgery may be required to control the symptoms.

Therapies for Help with Sciatica

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral TherapyBiodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
    can enable the body to release areas of restriction in its own way and at its own pace restoring natural rhythms.
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  • CKT Chirokinetic TherapyCKT Chirokinetic Therapy
    assists with correcting imbalances and redirecting energy to depleted areas. It has been shown to be particularly good at dealing with allergies
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  • Corrective Holistic Exercise KinesiologyCorrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology
    The CHEK system is multidisciplinary; therefore, it prioritises your personal programme according to your financial and time commitments to address the areas that will give you the greatest long-term reward.
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  • Functional Health CareFunctional Health Care
    assesses your current health and wellbeing and the practitioner can advise you on the various options available. Your assessment will be thorough and in depth and look at your health, diet, lifestyle, posture, fitness, happiness and coping abilities.
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  • Massage TherapyMassage Therapy
    not only provides relaxation and relief to muscle strain and fatigue, a therapeutic massage may improve your health. The many benefits to massage therapy, including physical, emotional, and physiological improvements in the body
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  • McTimoney ChiropracticMcTimoney Chiropractic
    If you suffer with pain in the back, shoulders, neck or general pain, discomfort or stiffness in the joints then you should consider McTimoney Chiropractic treatment. It is suitable for almost everyone including babies, children, pregnant women (except in the first trimester), the elderly, and adults of all ages.
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  • OsteopathyOsteopathy
    focuses on the health and well-being of the musculo-skeletal system. Techniques range from the extremely gentle pressure of cranial osteopathy to high velocity thrusts to mobilize certain joints.
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